DeForest Koscelnik & Berardinelli

For over 20 years, DeForest Koscelnik & Berardinelli has built a reputation as one of the hardest-working firms in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With offices also in New York and Short Hills, our work goes far beyond Pittsburgh as clients nationwide seek our representation.

Our firm has a collaborative spirit. Our lawyers work together to efficiently and cost-effectively advise and defend clients in federal and state courts, as well as before administrative tribunals.

Our clients describe us as focused, diligent, and accessible. We measure our success in the value we add to every legal matter and the longevity and depth of our relationships with our clients.

We know the courtroom and how to win. We also know how to keep you out of the courtroom when it's in your best interest. 

Recent Wins on Behalf of Our Clients

  • Seven-figure jury verdict in favor of physician client in breach of employment contract lawsuit.
  • Dismissal of complaint based on our Rule 12 motion on behalf of a corporate client accused of racial discrimination and business torts.
  • Summary judgment for nursing home client in a case involving an issue of first impression related to collateral estoppel.
  • Seven-figure settlement mid-trial for business executive of a publicly traded company in a breach of employment contract suit.
  • Seven-figure award in arbitration for architectural firm in a case involving breach of contract and business torts.
  • Summary judgment in matter involving complex partnership issues and multimillion-dollar partnership asset.